Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Yeah, it's been a while, but after all the shit that's been going on, I figured that it was time. Since no one seems to have the balls to say it, I figure that I will. Comment if you want. If I don't like what you said, I'll ignore you just like everyone has been ignoring me.

A Deplorable Speaks

William (Bill) English

By every definition of the "Woke." I am now commonly classed as a Deplorable, which essentially means that I am white, an old man who is a racist (I'm not really a racist) that comes from a long line of slave traders, and a Nazi-Fascist. I supposedly hate LGBQTS+ (or whatever the letters they are using these days). I eat meat, fart, believe in secure borders, don't believe in AOC's New Green Deal, want to have sex with AOC (not really. My wife would kill me, and despite being a Deplorable, I have specific standards. One of which, I do not have cross species relations.) I believe in the Constitution of the United States, God, and mankind's inherent ability to be profoundly stupid yet at the same time profoundly generous. However, being a Deplorable, I can't be canceled anymore than I already am. This works in my favor since I am at that stage in my life where I just don't care and don't want to be bothered by idiots.

Here you might ask; What's this have to do with anything? Actually, it has everything to do with it.

Growing up, my heroes were such people as John Wayne, Randolf Scot, Flash Gordon, the Phantom, and the Shadow. Now my heroes are such things as Ben Gay, Absorbine Jr., Icey Hot, and whatever pain medication the doctor is willing to prescribe to me to get through the day with a modicum of normality.

I mention these facts because it has a great deal to do with the person I truly am. I grew up during the "Freedom Marches," Martin Luther King, Vietnam, draft-card buring, student protests against anything and everything, (real) Social Injustice, and most notably in the Southwestern part of the United States. Even today, the Southwest is actually a culturally diverse region. Before it was fashionable, the Spaniards had already come up from South America and explored Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. They also established colonies in California and Missions along the Santa Fe Trail. While Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico were considered slave states during the Civil War, there was and is a rich culture of free Black Landowners, Hispanics, American Indians (I won't say Native Americans because I believe that if you were born in America, you're a native) and, believe it or not, Chinese (they came with the building of the railroads.) Was it, or is it perfect?

Hell No! But you flatland tourists came from back east and really screwed things up. Now it's the "Woke" trying to ferment hatred and making the rest of us apologize for stuff we had absolutely nothing to do with, and apologize for being a color none of us had any control over. Shit! We're getting screwed at both ends! The only good thing I see coming out of any of this is that the American Indians Aren't being attacked anymore. They have finally figured out a way to get back at the Europeans and "White Eyes who shafted them in the first place. Casinos and tax-free tobacco. Take their money and watch them slowly and painfully kill themselves. From an Indian's perspective, it doesn't get any better than that.

Politically speaking, most of us sit back and watch everyone, both Republicans and Democrats, defy the Constitution of the United States and basically try to force us to pay for their crap. I would point out here that those poor bastards who thought they were going to Washington, D.C. to peacefully protest are still sitting in jail cells in the most abhorrent conditions without even being charged with a crime. If my memory serves me correctly, isn't that one of the specific complaints outlined in the Declaration of Independence? Just for the record, not all of us so-called Deplorables are Shit kickers that sit on the couch drinking beer and watching NASCAR. Some of us actually read books and are even educated. Well, sort of educated since the liberal geeks hadn't taken over the schools and colleges when we were in school.

For the most part, the most significant majority of us, the so-called Deplorables, are mainly concerned for the safety and well-being of our families and loved ones. Oddly enough, this includes such ridiculous things as being able to feed them, buying gas to get to work, or to doctor appointments. We care about the economy, inflation, and a government that intends to let radical factions turn America into a third-world country. Many of us feel as if we are caught between a rock and a hard place. We have a President who shows us daily that his brain is literally turning to mush and runs the real possibility of dying in his sleep before the end of his term. In which case, we will end up with a Vice-President that is so incompetent she couldn't pour urine out of a boot with the instructions written on its heel. So, to put it in a nutshell, we're screwed no matter what happens. Considering what we've got, Who the hell is running the government anyway?

We know that a significant faction within the House and the Senate absolutely hates America. How did that happen? The most prominent faction, headed by AOC, consists of all women who, by the very definition of the law and common sense, are of, at the very least, questionable character. Representative Omar comes to mind here. Yes! We do keep track of these things. My thought here is that it would be nice to be able to elect an individual to Office who actually had the good of the people in mind without trying to justify every stupid move they make and who has a brain slightly larger than a cumquat. None of these morons (sorry morons) understand that once they have been elected to Office by their state or district, they represent those who voted them into an office and the entire nation. This is only because America has grown over the past two hundred years. They fail to understand what effect a law for one segment of the population has on the rest.

As for the Green New Deal. Do I support it? Emphatically NO! Only because it will destroy America. Do I support conservationism? Yes, but I take a practical approach to it. This country MUST utilize both oil and nuclear power to supplement and strengthen our national reserves and take the lead in providing sustainable energy to the rest of the world. This doesn't mean that there is no place for Wind or Solar energy. Still, at this point, either has not reached a point where we can just switch over to them and expect to maintain our quality of life and help boost our economy. Either one reminds me of what we used to build as kids with an "Erector Set." Looks nice. A lot of fun building it. No practical purpose. Using oil and nuclear, prices come down, the economy is strengthened, and we have more time to perfect other energy sources. Also, quite frankly, herding millions of people into specific living facilities smacks of population control, communism, and socialism. All of which are red flags for almost all Deplorables.

Okay, now back to the main topic, "Woke." First of all, what is Woke? From my perspective, it is nothing more than an attempt by the ultra-liberals to create hatred, change our language, and change the way we think about those poor, abused individuals who choose to be different. Let's take the LGBTQ+ community, for example. I personally have no problem with these people. Why? Well, I have a half-sister who is trans and a half-brother who is gay. I also have another half-sister who I think the world of because she has accomplished many things. She doesn't talk to me but hey! I wear the title of Family Black Sheep with pride. I also have a full sister who happens to be a California Lawyer and a born-again Christian. Sheesh! What a combination. In short, my family puts the fun in dysfunctional. I don't hate these people, but I cannot understand why they choose to put themselves through this kind of hell. Particularly the Transgendered. What chaps my posterior about all of this is that they keep trying to jam it down people's throats and are doing it so that it's really pissing people off. Christ! Where is it right to try and convince a kindergartener they are the opposite sex? And where is it right to give these children gender blockers without the parents even knowing? If that's not abuse, I don't know what is.

I could go on and on about such things as Defunding the Police, DA's that won't enforce the law, and turning criminals back out onto the streets to commit more crimes and death because they know there will be no consequences. California is imploding upon itself, government control, COVID restrictions, and what's happened there?

This country is a mess, and we'd better start doing something to fix it fast.

The Deplorable are starting to get aggravated. Whether they want to believe it or not, the Democrats are on their way out the door. For that matter, if they screw the pooch, so are the Republicans. At this rate, a bunch of Blue Faced Baboons (sorry, Baboons) could do a better job than any of them have been doing, and Mellon head in the White House isn't making anything better. Shit! Never in the Office of the Presidency has a President had to be surrounded by a squadron of caretakers to hide as best they can that he's a blithering idiot. What does he do in the Oval Office? Sit around playing Tittaly Winks and eat ice cream, occasionally signing a bill or something put in front of him by some nut job? Let us not forget the constant coaching he must get before he's trotted out to read the teleprompter. For us Deplorables, we see what is happening to our country, and frankly, you screwballs are fucking us over, and we're tired of it!

Let's talk about systemic racism and white privilege.

First of all, I could care less about a man's or woman's color. What I care about is how they treat me. Treat me with respect, and I'll treat you with respect. Try and destroy what little I've spent a lifetime building for my family, or try and hurt or kill me, and I'm gonna have your balls. Martin Luther King spent a lifetime trying to keep the radicals from taking over the Freedom movement. Now that he's gone, look at what's happening. That man is spinning in his grave so fast that we could use him as a power source. And as it turns out, the founders of Black Lives Matter are no better than crooks, taking the donations they have been given to further their cause and buying fancy homes, real estate, fancy cars, and whatever else they want. They don't care about black people or people of color. That is evident when they burn down black-owned businesses and then don't use the money they've stolen to help rebuild those businesses. Yet all they seem concerned with is defunding the police and destroying things so that they can steal more and kill more people, all the while blaming it on systemic racism. Racism on whose part? Thiers or us? I noticed that racism didn't really start to be an issue until Obama became President. Man! What a lesson in self-abuse that turned out to be.

White Privilege? Well, yes, I look white. As far as privilege is concerned, I'm seventy years old, have one leg, no testicles (I picked up a rather nasty infection while traveling overseas), live in a trailer in the middle of the desert, have a wife who suffers from extreme mental illness, and between the two of us make less than $13,000.00 per year. That doesn't account for the one-quarter "White Mountain Apache and Cherokee that I have in me from my mother's father. The difference between Wampum Warren and me is that I've never tried to lie about it or use the fact for my personal gain. It is what it is. So show me where it's a privilege to be white or any other color.

I will say this much. As both Americans and Human-beings, we must follow specific rules to survive as a civilization. Originally Jews and Christians called them the Ten Commandments, and they went something like this;

1. I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.

4. Honor your father and your mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

Yeah, okay, too much religion, but even if you remove the first three of the listed commandments, the rest make reasonably good sense. Then, if you think about it, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States take it even further by clarifying freedom and what needs to be done to achieve it. This method has worked relatively well for the past Two hundred forty-six years.

Okay, now you're giving me the old statistic that no Republic has traditionally lasted over two hundred years. Just between us, those guys are nuts anyway. Take Rome, for example.

One thing that everyone needs to understand and accept. America was not and never will be whatever your idea of perfect is. Since our nation's establishment, we have been a product of the times. Yes, we had slavery. At that time, all of the nations of the earth had slavery in one form or another, including England. Although they are called by a different names. Even today, some countries practice human trafficking or slavery, if you will. And there is social injustice everywhere. The difference between America and them is that we have actively tried to resolve the issues as they arrive or are recognized. No! America is not perfect. We suffer from all of the problems in humankind, and we recognize that fact. We cannot undo history, but we can learn from it and make changes for the better. What we don't need is a bunch of little assholes running around trying to destroy what hard-working people, black, white, Latino, Arabic, etc . . . have tried to build for themselves and their families, or made to hate who and what they are.

Strangely, aside from the domestic terrorist that are out in the streets destroying everything, it seems that all of the "Woke," who are trying to cancel everyone, are the ones who can actually afford to play this little game. You're paying for private security, WTF! When you have the money and can pay for private security, you can scream about defunding the police and fairness to criminals without worrying about the rest of us and call us all the names you want.

For the love of whatever entity you worship, get some common sense and real life!


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