Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The First Amendment or Common Sense??

Over the past several months a storm has been brewing over the issue of building a super mosque within sight of “Ground Zero” or more commonly known as the Twin Towers site in New York City.

Generally Americans are fairly tolerant of most people’s religious beliefs, but in this case that tolerance has been stretched to the limit.

Many feel that the act of building this Mosque is nothing more than an act of commemorating an Islamic victory of the American Infidels, and invalidates the deaths of over three thousand victims of the 9/11 attack by Islamic Extremist that took their lives. I agree with them.

What astounds me is the fact that not only is the Mayor of New York City in favor of the building of this Mosque, but now our President has weighed into the argument and agreed under the guise of the First Amendment and the freedom of religion.

I would point out that while the First Amendment guarantees the right of all to worship in whatever manner they desire, it does not guarantee them the right to build their houses of worship where ever they desire, and while it may seem the politically correct thing to do in allowing the followers of Islam to build this Mosque, common sense dictates that perhaps a different location would be more appropriate.

Considering the 1500 year history of violence, and oppression of the Islamic culture, and the history of previous Islamic victories, one can only come to the conclusion that this Mosque represents nothing less than a monument to their victory in the destruction of the Twin Towers. It becomes more apparent when you consider the history of the name of the Mosque, The Cordoba House.

Another Mosque known as the Mezquita in Cordoba, Spain was built over the ruins of a Catholic church when the Islamic hoards invaded Spain in the 10th century as a monument to their victory over the Infidels. And now it’s namesake in honor of Islamic victory over the Infidels in America is being built with the blind and incomprehensible cooperation of Americans who don’t want to believe that this is in fact what is happening. AGAIN!! And when it is built it will become a gathering place of radical Muslims worldwide whose intention is to plan the over throw of America and it’s way of life.

Interestingly, the Imam who is spearheading the efforts to build this Mosque has refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization and is on record supporting Jihad.

As for President Obama, it has become clear that his self-admitted ties to Islam are beginning to show forth with even more clarity than ever before…

Terrorists Among Us - Jihad in America [VHS]


  1. the Imam who is spearheading the efforts to build this Mosque has refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization and is on record supporting Jihad.

    I'm just curious - do you get your news from anywhere except Fox? Because what you just wrote about Rauf is nonsense. He's what he actually says.

    "The issue of women's rights is more than an issue for women or about women. It involves everyone...The best of you are those who are best to their women. Consequently, the worst of men are those who are worst to their women."- From the Yemen Times, August 9, 2009, at a conference on advancing the cause of women in Islam.

    Rauf believes in "showing those who resort to violence that it is counter to the very idea of Islam." - From the Khaleej Times (UAE), July 5, 2009.

    "Islam denounces suicide of any sort, especially suicide bombings that kill innocents. Even in a defensive war sanctioned by Islamic law, suicide is expressly forbidden." - From a June 2009 commentary by Rauf.

    "The Quran expressly and unambiguously prohibits the coercion of faith because that violates a fundamental human right - the right to a free conscience. The Quran says in one place 'There shall be no compulsion in religion.' And in another it says, 'To you your beliefs and to me, mine.'"- Same as above.

    "Rauf was one of the few Muslim leaders who appealed for calm and tolerance after the Regensburg speech." From the New Yorker, April 2, 2007, regarding Pope Benedict's 2006 lecture where he quoted a Muslim-hating Byzantine emperor. Riots ensued.

    Young Muslims "are deeply frustrated by what's going on in the name of Islam. They feel they are paying a price for actions done by a very, very negligible minority, but which capture the attention of the media. Terrorism done in the name of Islam has hurt Muslims as much, if not more, than it has hurt Westerners." - From a June 2006 U.S. State Department press release on a conference regarding Muslim youths.

    "This is why we have been looking for, calling for so long for democratic regimes, for societies where people are empowered in much of the Arab and Muslim world. We are seeing massive changes going on right now in the Arab and Muslim world. When you have a disempowered people, you have things like this going on." - From a February 7, 2006 interview on ABC regarding the protests over the Danish cartoons depicting Mohammed.

    "The Qur'an needs to be the backing of our activism towards human rights"- From Islamic Horizons, November 2004, at a conference on religion and peace-building held at the College of Notre Dame.

    Doesn’t exactly sound like a suicide bomber to me.

  2. Actually, no I don't get all of my news from FOX. Here are a few links that you might find of interest and the next time you quote the Imam you might want to put it in the proper context.


    Here's another...


    and another...


    Aaand another...


    The point is that there is more NOT being said than is...


  3. Ow. OK, a couple of points

    Atlas Shrugs - Pammy hates Islam basically more than she hates liberals, democrats, and anybody left of Reagan. And, well, frankly, she's been known to make stuff up.

    American Thinker is actually to the RIGHT of Fox Noise, but read that article again. They're really tying themselves up in knots to claim that Rauf is anything but moderate (and, you know, to not say anything on a subject - say, Hamas, the democratically-elected leader of Palestine - is not the same as speaking in favor of them).

    Liberty Central - even to the right of American Thinker. Read that link again. Could you come up with a weaker series of charges? I man, come on! "Does he realize that... 'establish(ing) a permanent sea lane between Gaza and the rest of the world,' will assuredly result in weapons shipments to Hamas?"

    Really? Aside from anything else, you're saying that the Free Market will destroy the world? Trade is bad? They're trying to spread capitalism... oh, never mind. I can't deal with the hypocrisy.

    And your International Analyst Network is seriiously trying to push "guilt by association," along with openly misinterpreting statements.

    Your arguments are, at best, specious, and predicated on the assumption that "all muslims are evil fundamentalists."

  4. You know, one of the great things about America and the Constitution of the United States is that you have the right to expresws your opinion. Whether we agree or not...


Welcome to comments. Here you can agree, disagree or present a good arguement. Just keep it clean and do not attack others.

But do not expect me to be nice when you are stupid. If I am stupid tell me and I'll check it out and correct it.